Our Learning Programme
Our Learning Programme
At Footsteps we adopt a child centred, play based approach with a rich diverse curriculum (based on the Early Years Foundation Stage - EYFS - Framework) where children are encouraged to develop their creativity and become independent, motivated and enthusiastic learners. We take into account the Leuven scales, which monitor the wellbeing and involvement of young children.
We understand that each child is unique and insure that planning for their learning is tailored to meet each child's needs. We plan a range of adult-led and child-initiated play supported by a variety of open-ended and stimulating resources.
We track and record your child's develop so that planned activities are tailored to their individual needs. We do this through an interactive learning journey, called Blossom, which parents and carers can access online.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Our programme of development is designed around the characteristics of effective learning:
Playing and exploring.
Active learning.
Creating and thinking critically.
...And the key themes of the EYFS: a unique child, positive relationships and enabling environments resulting in effective learning and development.
Click here for more information on EYFS.