Our Nursery
Our Nursery
A friendly and nurturing safe-haven is created within our nursery, based on warm and caring relationships between our nursery practitioners and the children in their care.
Our brand new state-of-the-art building hosts our four stages: bunnies, squirrels, foxes and owls, as well as our inspiring garden and art studio. Our purpose built environment has been designed with children in mind, allowing them to move smoothly between outdoor and indoor learning.
We group the children according to the mix of children who are with us at any one time and their hugely varying attributes and preferences. We will support you and your child through each transition.
Through each stage of development our careful planning, guidance, support and teaching will nurture your child through these vital early years before school.
All activities for your child's development will be planned and displayed in your little one's room. Every child will have the daily opportunity to spend time outside. There are weekly activities in our creative arts studio along with language, music, movement and sounds classes. We organise regular local walks in addition to trips to garden centres, libraries and parks.